Ishta Linga Pooja for Shivaites

Linga is the visible symbol of the Supreme Lord.

Accepting IshtaLinga is taking Shiva Deeksha, like other Deeska(short term as people say), Ayyappa Deeskha, Rama Deeksha, Hanuma Deeskha. But Shiva Deeskha is for Life, you must not leave it for life. Guru Basava broke some rituals like birth, death, caste, and menstruation times for good and to stick with God all time, but as always they were ignored or misinterpreted, lot of people don't do Deeskha puja Daily. Veerashaiva Lingayats believe that a person will never be polluted as long as the Linga is worn on the body, because Linga is the fire which burns all impurities. It is a process by which we invite the presence of God in our mind and in our daily life. It is getting in touch with the God within each one of us, to help us become better persons. When doing Ishta linga pooja, you have to believe God is in front of  you as a very important guest, and offer all the things and love you can. Ishta Linga puja is not mechanical steps to do, but it is to be done with Love and Passion to God.

Ishta Linga pooja performed with Upacharas, they are in groups of five, eight, sixteen, thirty-two or forty-eight depending on Place and Time. The Astavaranas, namely the Guru, Linga, Jangama, Vibhuti, Rudraksha, Mantra, Padodaka and Prasadam are considered as eight aides to the spiritual development of a Person.

Wear either 108,32 or at least one Rudraksha, on a string around your neck. Some people also wear one rudraksha in the same thread as Ishta linga.

Prepare with below Pooja Samagri in a big plate,
1. Achamanam - Water in 2 bowls or glasses (devoted to pooja purpose)
2. Vibhoodhi
3. Ganta naadam(Bell)
4. 2 Fresh white cloths(1-2x2 inch cloth each time to put in Gandagadigi, 1- a 4x4 inch cloth to wipe)
2. Flowers
3. Prasadam
5. Agarbatthi
6. Deepam
7. Gandham
8. Akshitha

Pooja is a way to Thank God for giving 5 Gnanendriyalu. So we have to offer at-least 5 things(Upacharalu) to God while doing pooja. Flowers for giving Ears, Prasadam for giving Taste, Dhoopam for Giving sense of smell, Deepam for giving Eyes, and Gandham for giving sense of touch.
We try to avoid pointing finger in pooja(as it is symbol differentiates between you and me).

Before beginning Chant "Guru brahma Guru Vishnu Guru devo maheshwara Guru Sakshath Parabrahma Thasmai Sri Gruruvenamah" (If there is no formal Guru for self, Sri Adi Shankaracharya is Guru for everyone by default), and followed by 
Shukla-Ambara-Dharam Vishnnum Shashi-Varnnam Chatur-Bhujam |
Prasanna-Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva-Vighna-upashaantaye ||

Pooja Vidhanam:
Sit in a clean, peaceful place, with Dhothi, and Kanduva on left shoulder.
Shuddi-Rub tip of right middle finger on top of Vibhuti,. Write Om with the vibhuti with finger tip, in the fresh water  glass to be used for Puja. This sanctifies the water. Sprinkle a few drops on your head, left side, right side and on Puja items.

2. Bhasma Dharanam-With Vibuthi coated three middle fingers of your right hand apply Vibuthi on your forehead from left to right. Using the middle finger tip apply a dot of Vibuthi between he two eyebrows - the center of Knowledge. Also apply Vibuthi to both sides of the wrists, arms, on the heart, and stomach, atleast 6 places.
In general one needs to apply Vibhuti all day. dry vibhuti before bath, and wet vibuthi after bath. When using wet make a powder from vibhuthi, make like liquid paste with water in left palm. Using middle finger, ring finger and thump take wet vibhuthi. Place middle and ring fingers on left side of forehead(leave little space in between) slowly pull 2 fingers to right, without lifting those 2 fingers, place thumb(for middle line) on right side of forehead and start pulling it to left side(you can take out other 2 fingers). By practice you can get it right.

3. Abhishekam-Take ishta linga in left palm. Pour sanctified water in a stream over the Linga held in center of your left palm. Do ksheera(cow milk) abhishekam, and water abhishekam. You may hold down the Linga with the middle finger so that the Linga wont fall. Wipe gently Linga and your hands with Vastram.

4. Upacharalu-With the edge of Vibuthi draw a six-sided star ( a triangle pointing upwards, overlayed with a triangle pointing down) on your left palm. Write Om in the center. Place Linga upon the star on your left palm.Using thumb , middle finger and ring finger apply three time Vibuthi around Linga in a circular motion.
Dip Right fingue in the Gandham, to the face of Linga. Apply two to five grains of Akshata over Gandha Lingam.
Put flowers or Bilva leaves on top of Linga.
Gently wave Arati lamps in a clockwise up and down motion before the Linga. Light Karpura ( camphor ) piece in metal camphor holder and wave before Linga.
Wave lighted incense sticks before the Linga.

5. Dristi Yogam-Bring the Linga on your palm to your eye level.Focus eye and thoughts upon Linga. Close eyes half way, so that your focus is completely on Linga, and blur surroundings, which helps in concentration and controlling mind.

6. Japam- You can use japa mala(with 108-rudraksha). Say " Om Namah Shivaya " Mantra, you may do this 51 times, 108 times, or 1000 times, depending on time/interest. Or you can use below image to count instead of japamala to do the same.

7. Naivedyam-In a small plate arrange a few raisins or Bellam(Jaggery).Wave your palm over the raisins and towards the Linga, indicating offering of food. After naivedya, offer water by pouring some water from the jar into the Majjanasali (2nd bowl), as you are offering water after eating food to Lord. Wipe/clean God's Lips/Mouth, and feet with fresh cloth.

8. Nirmalyam-Bow to the Linga by touching your forehead to the palm area next to the Linga.Using thumb and pointer finger remove flowers and leaves off the Linga and drop them into the Majjanasali. Lift Lingam with right hand fingers, and you can pour Akshtha on your head, and place Left palm on to Heart, so that star mudra sticks on your heart.

9. Padodakam- Place Lingam back on Left palm, do abhishekam again with slow water, take Linga on to right hand, sip Teertham.

10. Linga Dharana-Dry the Linga, apply Vibhuthi and place it on 2x2 cloth, and then in Gandagadigi. Wear Lingam around your neck so that the Linga will be next to your heart.

11. Final Prayer- At the end of the Puja say "Jaya Namaha Parvathi Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambho Shankara"

Make sure abhishekam water to be pour onto living plant, we shouldn't step on those water. I hope this helps to get started, One can increase Japam, ashtottaram and do much more once you start feeling God is in front of you, there is no end to interact.


Unknown said...

your ista linga pooja vidhana is wrong. Kindly understand the concept of GOD by reading Vachanas. Agamya, agochara, apratima namma KoodalaSangamaDeva.. ! You have put panchabootha Shiva on center of Istalinga, this is wrong.

Chowdapurmath Gurubasavaraj advocate said...

Hello Mr. You are wrong. First understand the practice of shivayoga and wearing linga on the body was practiced from the period of harappa and Mmahenjodaro 2000 BC irrespective of caste and religion and can be found by incriptions. Applying vibhoothi from the periods of Adi shankaracharya period. Bramhini basavanna applied and made it publicity. Vachanas are made out of his philosophy and some out of vedopanishads. He protested uncivilised practices menstruation and varnashramas.first read the history. Then speak.

Chowdapurmath Gurubasavaraj advocate said...

Dear friend I made comment against the above unknown person who said about bramhana Basava. I support in favour of the blog or website. The information given in the website is true and correct

SNEHA said...

Thank you.

Veer Muchandi said...

Thanks for posting. Wanted to advise a small correction. Guru in case of Veerashaivas are pancha-archaryas who have existed since Treta-yoga. So my suggestion is to replace Adi Shankara in the above text with Pancha-archaryas or Basavanna. All of us respect Adi-Shankara for his great contributions to Sanatana dharma, but when it comes to guru sthana,he is not a guru when you are doing Ishta lingaarchana, If you have any doubts about it, you can verify with any Shankara Mutt.
Veerashaivas follow Shakti-vishistaadvaita or Shiva-advaita which is different from the advaita philosophy that is propagated by Adi Shankara. Hence the guru parampara is different for Veerashaivas/Lingayaths. Our gurus originate from Shiva’s 5 faces and we are direct descendants of pramatha ganas.

Someone above commented about Shiva’s paanchabhoutika vigraham in the center of lingam. I think you used that image to convey the understanding on focusing on Linga to believe that Shiva is inside it; which is fine for a beginner. But as per both Siddhanta Shikamani and Vachana sahityam, we are worshipping nirguna Shiva in the lingam. The way we do it is we place a light (deepam) behind us while we meditate by staring at the lingam and stare at the image of deepam in the center of lingam. Adding this clarity may help the saadhakas.

Unknown said...

Sir I want to know if married woman can wear the linga all time.. as you know the married woman will have monthly cycles and other humanly things (being married) please advise

Veer Muchandi said...

Veerashaiva women always wear Ishta linga just like men. There is not gender difference in this deeksha.

Here is what Siddhanta Shikamani says chapter 9 shloka 44

lingArchanaratAyAscha RutounAryAna sUtakam
tathA prasUtikAyAscha sUtakamnaivavidyatE

Meaning: Veerashaiva women who take up istha lingArcharna do not have monthly rajah sootakam or prasava sootakam at the time of child birth.
There are a few more shlokas on this topic. But the above was a direct answer to your question.

There is a great discussion between Parvati and Shiva in kaaranaagama on this topic. Parvati questions Shiva (one entirechapter) on various aspects (her doubts) on how women can take deeksha inspite of different sootakas and how pativrata dharma can be maintained etc. Shiva gives answers to each and every question. It is hard to explain the entire chapter here.

But the concise answer is not only that Veerashaiva women must wear Shiva Linga all the time, but also do puja everyday irrespective of their monthly cycles etc. The one who wears ishta linga is always Shuchirbhoota i.e, pure from inside-out and external impurities don't impact the person.

Unknown said...

S there is no restrictions for that. ಲಿಂಗಕ್ಕೆ ಮುಟ್ಟಿಲ್ಲ ಗಂಗೆಗೆ ಕಟ್ಟಿಲ್ಲ

Unknown said...

While doing my linga pooja i dropped my linga and i am worried aboutif there is going to be any consequences or not .
Can anyone guide me through this and tell me what to do ?

Veer Muchandi said...

“Yat bhAvam tat bhavati”.. consequences depend on the seriousness of the devotee and their attachment to the lingam. As an example there was a sharaNa who lost his life as soon as this linga fell from his body as he had put his prANa in the linga. Seeing him falling his wife lost her life as she kept her life attached to her husband. Basavanna understood what happened, tied back his linga and both of them woke up.

Texts like veerashaiva siddhAnta shikAmani are a bit stricter on how they approach this. They expect the one in dheeksha to not depart from linga under any circumstances and be especially careful while doing puja. It says that devotee should be ready to leave their life in case the linga accidentally falls down. I think it was put there to explain the seriousness of the dheeksha and the extreme amount of care to take while handling linga, When it comes to kAraNAgama, pArvati asks the same question to Shiva. Shiva while advising the care with which the devotee should handle the ishta linga, he also says that in case of such accident that they loose linga, they can get another linga tied by their guru.

In the current day’s context, the question being asked itself says that you are “already feeling bad about the accident”. My suggestion would be to believe in Shiva and ask for aparAdha kshama and continue with care and devotion moving forward. Shiva is all pervading loving one and we are his children. There is nothing to worry about. All will be ok. If it helps you, do rudrAbhishEkam heartfully and mindfully as that is the prAyashchitta for any dOsha.

If anyone else has a better suggestion, you can respond

urvashi rautela said...

It is a good article thanks for sharing this blog
shivling stand