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Telugu calendar has 60 years, There will be names for each year, looping 1 thru 60. Santhana Dharma believes in Re-Birth, and that is how Karma takes place, which is totally depends on life of a person(not by God). That is the reason why Year names repeat in rotation, unlike never ending english years.
Shashti poorthi is also celebrated to mark completion of one cycle.
Each year is divided into 2 parts, Uttarayanam, Dakshinayanam.
Uttarayanam or Uttarayana Punya Kalam is the period during which each sunrise is just a little more to the north. Similarly Dakshinayanam is the period during which each sunrise is just a little more to the south.
Traditionally, we celebrate Uttarayanam from Mid-Jan to Mid-July and Dakshinayanam from Mid-July to Mid-Jan.
According to Telugu there will be 365.25 days in a year
There will be 30 days in every month, total 360 days.
To recover remaining 5.25 per year there will be Adhika masam(Shoonya masam) to cover 5.25 days for every 4 years, there will be no muhurtham in Adhika masam.
12 Months in a Year,
Chaitra, Vaisaka, Jyeshta, Ashada, Sravana, Bhadrapadam, Ashveyja, karthika, Margashira, Pushya,
A Month is divided into 2 parts,Shukla pakshamu - new moon to full moon
Krushna Pakshamu - full moon to new moon
Each paksham will have same 15 Thithis
1.Padyami 2.Dvithiya 3.Tritiya 4.Caturthi 5.Panchami 6.Sashti 7.Saptami 8.Ashtami 9. Navami 10. Dasami 11.Ekadasi 12.Dwadasi 13.Trayodasi 14.Chaturdasi 15.Pournami/Amavasya
Each day there will be Thithi, each Thithi will vary between 20-27 hours. Telugu panchangam is calculated according to the Chandra(Moon) mana panchanga theories.This duration is considered equal to 60 ghatis (24 hours). However, as the moon rise time varies from day to day by a small measure, the duration of the day also varies to that extent.
Each Thithi(24 hours) day will have multiple 7 hora, one for each hour, cycling. On a given day one particular Hora will present at the time of Suryodayam, so the name of Hora comes to that day.
Surya, Shukra, Budha, Chandra, Shani, Guru, Kuja, 7 Horalu.(Rahu, Kethu are forbidden)
These hora don't appear in order by days, but with below calculation, the the correct combination matches to the day name for everyday suryodayam time hora.
For example, Adi varam morning will have surya hora, as day continues next 7 hours will have above 7 horas, and 8th hour will have 1st hora again. In a day there will be 21 horas, and next 3 hours will apply 3 hora in order, for next day other 4 horas.
By every suryodayam, that particular Hora will sync to day name, like magic.
Panchangam (5 angalu)
Tithi(15), Vaaramu(7), Nakshatram(27), Yoga(27), and Karana(11)
We should mention thithi when doing pooja.
Each Nakshtra is devided in 4 parts
1. Ashwini 2. Bharani 3. Krittika 4. Rohini 5. Mrigashira 6. Ardra 7. Punarvasu 8. Pusya 9. Ashlesha 10. Magha 11. Poorva Phalguni 12. Uttara Phalguni 13. Hasta 14. Chitra 15. Swati 16. Vishaka 17. Anuradha 18. Jyestha 19. Moola 20. Poorvashadha 21. Uttarashadha 22. Shravana 23. Dhanishta 24. Shatabisha 25. Poorvabhadrapada 26. Uttarabhadrapada 27. Revati
1. Viṣhakumbha. Meaning a poison pot. Inauspicious yoga. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
2. Preeti. Meaning gratification, love. Auspicious yoga. Good for auspicious undertakings.
3. Ayushman. Shubha yoga meaning logevity. Good for auspicious undertakings.
4. Saubhagya. Shubha yoga meaning good fortune. Good for auspicious undertakings.
5. Shobhana. Shubha yoga meaning splendid. Good for auspicious undertakings.
6. Atigaṇḍa. Bad yoga meaning many obstacles/dangers. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
7. Sukarma. Meaning good work. Good for auspicious undertakings.
8. Dhṛti. Meaning steadiness. Good for auspicious undertakings.
9. Shoola. Meaning spear. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
10. Gaṇḍa. Meaning danger. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
11. Vṛiddhi. Meaning growth. Good for auspicious undertakings.
12. Dhruva. Meaning permanent/steady. Good for auspicious undertakings.
13. Vyaghata. Meaning slaughter. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
14. Harṣhaṇa. Meaning rejoicing. Good for auspicious undertakings.
15. Vajra. Meaning Thunderbolt. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
16. Siddhi. Meaning attainment. Good for auspicious undertakings.
17. Vyatipata. Meaning calamity. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
18. Variyan. Meaning better. Good for all auspicious undertakings.
19. Parigha. Meaning iron club. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
20. Shiva. Meaning a great God. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
21. Siddha. Meaning Accomplishment, completion, Perfection. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
22. Sadhya. Meaning attainable, accomplishable. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
23. Shubha. Meaning auspicious. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
24. Shukla. Meaning bright. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
25. Brahma. Meaning divine or excellent. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
26. Indra. Meaning God of heavens. Good for all Auspicious Deeds.
27. Vaidhṛti. Meaning stopping, arresting. Inauspicious yoga. Not good for auspicious undertakings.
Chara(7), Sthira(4)
1. Bava – Incantation, attack, improving health and power.
2. Balava- Good for all auspicious. Coronation, spiritual, brahminical and noble deeds.
3. Kaulava- Shubha yoga. Good for wedding, choosing the bride, making friends, love, decoration.
4. Taitila – Shubha yoga. Coronation, becoming famous, activities related to the home.
5. Gara – Good for the cultivation of the soil, sowing the seeds, constructing the house.
6. Vanija – Auspicious yoga. Good for trade, cooperation, travel and business purposes.
7. Visthi – Inauspicious deeds, destruction, annihilation, tricks, attacking the enemies.
8. Shakuni - Attack, competition, taking medications, herbs, incantation.
9. Chatushpada Coronation, political and brahminical deeds, activities with the cattle.
10. Naga – Inauspicious. Work with immovable objects, using the power, competition, cruel deeds.
11. Kimstughna – Shubha yoga for noble deeds, offerings, nutrition, auspicious rites like weddings etc.
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